structured daycare​
Why Structured Daycare?
Pups with a Purpose is now offering Structured Daycare!
Structured Daycare offers a safe place for your pup to play with other social dogs, keep up on training, and work directly with our trainers on concreting skills you've been working on at home!
We offer small supervised play groups, confidence building exercises, enrichment activities, and more! We incorporate structured activities including appropriate rest time for the pups! Playtime is structured, supervised, and carefully matched to ensure the best playmates in each play group.
We understand that maintaining training is important so we also included in our schedule to help your pup generalize their skills around like minded friends! While you are busy at work, your pup will be busy maintaining impulse control, place command, accepting grooming, and other goals you have for your pup! Structured Daycare provides all the perks of a traditional doggie daycare including socialization and playtime, but adding in the needed structure for dogs to be successful around dogs and people in the world outside of daycare!
Dogs must be at least 16 weeks of age, up to date on vaccinations, and kennel trained meaning the dog is calm in the kennel while other dogs or people are present.
If your dog is experiencing Behavior Problems like resource guarding, separation anxiety, severe reactivity, etc training is required before daycare. Please reach out for training options!
Daycare Requirements​
Daily Schedule​
Pups with a Purpose Structured Daycare is offered on Mondays through Fridays! Daycare is located at our Headquarters - 4859 S. 136th St. Suite 1.
Drop Off: 7:00 am to 9:00 am
Pick Up: 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm**
1/2 Days are available!
Daily Schedule
8:00 am to 12:30 pm Small Group Play rotations. Dogs are put into one of two playgroups (Party Animals & Small/Calm Dogs group). Each group plays for 45 minutes at a time while the other group is resting in kennels.
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Nap Time!
2:00 pm - Pick up Group Training, Playgroup rotations, & Enrichment Activities
*Subject to change depending on the needs of the dogs present*
**Pick up times are not offered between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm or after 6:00 pm; any dogs picked up between 1pm - 2 pm or after 6:00 pm are subject to a $30 fee.
Rates & Add-ons ​
$27.50 Single Half Day
$137.50 5 Half Day Package
$49.50 Single Full Day
$225.50 5 Full Day Package (must be used within 90 days of purchase)
$445.50 10 Full Day Package (must be used within 120 days of purchase)
$770.00 20 Full Day Package (must be used within 180 days of purchase)
$10 Nail Trim
$18 Nail Dremel
$10 Slatmill Run
$15 Training Walk
$40 Field Trip to a park or dog friendly store
Frequently Asked Questions​
What are the requirements for Daycare?
Dogs are required to be at least 16 weeks old, up to date on vaccinations, and calm in the kennel before coming to daycare.
We consider kennel trained as calm in the kennel, willing to go into the kennel, without excessive barking or whining. Daycare is not a setting to tackle serious behavior concerns like aggression, resource guarding, or separation anxiety. If you are experiencing any of these concerns, feel free to reach out for training or training recommendations.
How often should my pup come to daycare?
We have seen the most progress with dogs that consistently come at least once a week. Especially with our dogs that are working on building confidence away from their people, consistently making daycare a part of your weekly routine can greatly help them feel more comfortable here.
Why is my dog wearing a leash in play group?
You may see equipment on dogs in pictures and videos including leashes and muzzles. All new dogs are considered Shadow Dogs and are kept on leash as a precaution until we get to know them, and they get to know us! At first dogs are on leash and the leash is held by a staff member while that staff member shadows them. This is to ensure that dogs are interacting with us and other dogs appropriately and if not, we can easily guide them away using the leash. Leashed Shadow Dogs are closely monitored and never wear equipment in kennels.
Are dogs kenneled during daycare?
Appropriate rest time is an important aspect of our daycare program. Dogs are split into two playgroups depending on size, temperament, and play style. One group will spend 45 minutes playing while the other group is resting in the kennels and then we rotate! We also have an all-dog nap time where we dim the lights and let them rest deeply from 12:30 pm to 2:00pm
How do I pay?
Scheduling and Payment are completed through Gingr - once you complete a profile and schedule a Trial Day! We have a single full day rate of $49.50 plus tax which is invoiced after you pick your pup up! We also sell packages including a 5 full day package ($225.50 plus taxes) which expires 90 days after purchase, a 10 full day package ($445.50 plus taxes) which expires 4 months after purchase, and a 20 day package ($770 plus taxes) which expires 6 months after purchase. We do offer 1/2 days in the morning for $27.50 plus taxes per day.
How do I get started?
Feel free to click the "Sign Up or Sign In" button to create your Gingr profile, upload your pup's records along with proof of a clear fecal exam that has been completed within the last 90 days, and request a Trial 1/2 Day! Feel free to email us with any questions!